Mindylynns Kitchen

March 29, 2010

Fettucini Alfredo with Giant Prawns

Filed under: Entree,Food,Pasta,Seafood — Mindy M. @ 9:09 pm

pasta noodles

1 pound whole raw prawns
Quart of whipping cream
2 tbsp. minced white onion
1 teaspoon crushed garlic
1/2 cup of white wine

Saute onion until soft, deglaze pan with half of wine. Pour cream into pan and simmer for 10 minutes.  Add prawns, rest of the wine, garlic and salt and pepper to taste.  Remove prawns and simmer noodles in sauce for  3 minutes.    Remove noodles and add parmasean cheese to sauce and let sit for 2 minutes, ladle sauce over noodles.

March 9, 2010

Menu Planning

Filed under: Menu Planning — Mindy M. @ 10:16 pm

Tuesday: Foaccacia bread topped with hummus, olive oil, basil, pine nuts, onion, zucchini, mushroom, & tomato (hold the mushroom for kevin and add some shrimp on his side) *note this turned out AMAZING.  I brushed a little olive oil over the bread, spread the hummus, and the topped it with the before mentioned toppings and little shredded harvati and put it in the oven long enough for the bread to get crispy, the shrimp to cook, the cheese to melt and the veggies to cook a little.  this is a do over for sure.

Wednesday:  Wild Pheasant (thanks darryl!) seared and covered with an onion & garlic white wine and cream sauce, served over steamed rice w/ asparagus…*note this pheasant was a fat ass…literally I’ve never seen so much fat come out of a bird before…my cream sauce broke because of it…I skimmed the excess fat off and we ate it anyways.  the flavors were good, but I’m not sure to what temperature pheasant should be cooked to…med. rare like duck? because all the way cooked like chicken was tough and chewey.

Thursday:  Tempura fried shrimp covered in lemon curd (a.k.a the best lemon chicken EVER) over left over steamed rice & stir fried broccoli

Friday:  Beef Brisket

Saturday: Spaghetti

Sunday: night out

Chicken Salad (rotisserie chicken, grapes, mayonaise, plain greek yogurt, candied walnuts)

Honey Yogurt w/ granola for breakfast

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